

The following are reserved configuration variables that modify Appier Extras behavior:


ADMIN_LAYOUTstrThe base layout kind to be used (eg: fluid, fixed) (defaults to fluid).
ADMIN_THEMEstrThe fonts and colors theme to be used (eg: default, modern, flat, webook) (defaults to flat).
ADMIN_STYLEstrThe sub-style to be used, think of it as a sub-theme (eg: romantic) (defaults to ``).
ADMIN_LIBSstrThe version of the base javascript libraries to be used (eg: current, legacy, next, edge), should be changed carefully to avoid unwanted changes (defaults to current).
ADMIN_BACKGROUNDstrThe URL of the image to be used as background for simple pages (defaults to None).
ADMIN_AVAILABLEboolIf the administration interface should be available/accessible to end-users (defaults to True).
ADMIN_PASSWORDstrIf provided allows control of the initial password of the root user for initial provisioning (defaults to root).
ADMIN_OPENboolIf the administration interface should be open (for registration) to end-users (defaults to False).
ADMIN_OAUTHboolIf OAuth 2.0 support should be enabled for the administration interface (defaults to True).
ADMIN_AVATAR_DEFAULTboolIf a new default image should be set for an account's avatar if none is set (defaults to False).
ADMIN_IMPERSONATEboolIf impersonation of an user by admin users is allowed, allowing this operation can pose serious security risks (default to False).


DIAG_STOREboolIf the multiple HTTP requests in diagnostics should be store in the data source (defaults to False).
DIAG_LOGGLYboolIf the Loggly based logging should be used (defaults to False).
DIAG_LOGSTASHboolIf the Logstash based logging should be used (defaults to False).
DIAG_OUTPUTboolIf each of the HTTP requests should be printed to the stdout (defaults to True).
DIAG_GEOboolIf the Geo IP resolution process should take place (extra CPU usage) for the processing of geographic information taken out of the IP address (defaults to False) .
DIAG_LEVELstrThe level of verbosity to be used in the logging (eg: minimal, normal, verbose or debug) (defaults to normal).
DIAG_VERBOSEboolIf the log output should be as verbose (extended) as possible (defaults to False).
DIAG_MINIMALboolIf the minimalist version of the logging information should be used instead of the more verbose one (defaults to False).
DIAG_FORMATstrThe format to be used while outputting the HTTP request (defaults to combined).
DIAG_EMPTYboolIf the complete set of stored request entities should be removed from the data store on part load, use this value carefully to avoid unwanted results (defaults to False).
DIAG_MAX_DATA_SIZEintThe limit (in bytes) to be used to determine if HTTP payload should be store or not as part of a diagnostics (defaults to 131072).


CMS_CACHE_ENGINEstrThe generic name of the cache engine to be used for CMS access (defaults to memory).
CONTENTFUL_CACHE_ENGINEstrThe name of the cache engine to be used for Contentful takes precedence over CMS_CACHE_ENGINE.
PRISMIC_CACHE_ENGINEstrThe name of the cache engine to be used for Prismic CMS takes precedence over CMS_CACHE_ENGINE.


ADMIN_SOCIAL_LIBSlistList of social agents that should have their libraries ensured to be installed (using pip) at loading, note that this should be an expensive on load operation (defaults to []).


OAUTH_DURATIONintThe default duration (in seconds) of the access token until it has to be refreshed (defaults to 3600).
OAUTH_LONG_DURATIONintThe default duration (in seconds) of a long lived access token until it has to be refreshed (defaults to 315360000).


BULK_EMAILboolIf the sent email should be marked as bulk by default (defaults to False).
UNSUBSCRIBE_EMAILboolIf the unsubscribe headers should be set while sending emails by default (defaults to False).
LOGO_EMAILboolIf the logo should be displayed for the email by default (defaults to False).
INLINE_EMAILboolIf by default the HTML of the email should be inlined (defaults to False).
INLINER_ENGINEstrThe name of the engine (eg: premailer, toronado, etc.) that is going to be used to inline CSS directives into HTML (defaults to None).


PREMAILER_KEEP_TAGSboolIf the style tags should be kept after inlining (defaults to True).
PREMAILER_STRIP_IMPORTANTboolIf the important marked rules should be removed on parse (defaults to False).
PREMAILER_CACHE_CSSboolIf the parsing of the CSS should be "cached" (defaults to False).
PREMAILER_VALIDATE_CSSboolIf the CSS structure should be validated on parse (defaults to False).


LOGGLY_LOGboolIf the Loggly based logging handler should be activated on part load (defaults to False).
LOGGLY_BUFFER_SIZEintThe size of the buffer (in number of entries) until the buffer is flushed (defaults to 128).
LOGGLY_TIMEOUTintThe timeout in seconds in seconds until the buffer is flushed (defaults to 30).


LOGSTASH_LOGboolIf the Logstash based logging handler should be activated on part load (defaults to False).
LOGSTASH_BUFFER_SIZEintThe size of the buffer (in number of entries) until the buffer is flushed (defaults to 128).
LOGSTASH_TIMEOUTintThe timeout in seconds in seconds until the buffer is flushed (defaults to 30).


SEMATEXT_LOGboolIf the Sematext based logging handler should be activated on part load (defaults to False).
SEMATEXT_BUFFER_SIZEintThe size of the buffer (in number of entries) until the buffer is flushed (defaults to 128).
SEMATEXT_TIMEOUTintThe timeout in seconds in seconds until the buffer is flushed (defaults to 30).


PREFLIGHT_DATAstrThe default data for the response to be returned to the OPTIONS request (defaults to ``).
PREFLIGHT_MAX_AGEintThe number of seconds to be used in cache infvalication for the Cache-Control headers to be returned to the OPTIONS request (defaults to 86400).